Jumat, 07 Februari 2020

Sidoarjo Corner


             Sidoarjo Regency is bordered by Surabaya city and Gresik Regency to the north, by Pasuruan Regency to the south, by Mojokerto Regency to  the west and by the Madura Strait to the east. It has an area of  634.89 km², making it the smallest regency in East Java As at the 2010  Census, Sidoarjo Regency had a population of 2,191,489  the latest  official estimate (as at 2014) is 2,279,034 . The regency is part of the urban region surrounding Surabaya, known as 'Gerbangkertosusila' area Since 1851, Sidoarjo was known as Sidokare. It was one of Surabaya’ s  area and led by a regent named R. NG. Djoyohardjo. In 1859, Sidokare  had separated with Surabaya and become separate regency. Then in  couple month, Sidokare had change become Sidoarjo.


Sidoarjo are famous by the hand-gift products like smoked milk fish, presto milk fish, shrimp crackers, and many more. Those hand-gift can be found along Mojopahit street, city of Sidoarjo. Moreover, In Sidoarjo we can find particular traditional foor which is genuinely made in  Sidoarjo like, "otak-otak", "lontong kupang". Beside the food products, Sidoarjo also famous by particular Sidoarjo Batik. Some village in Sidoarjo produce handwriting Batik, such as in  Jetis village, Sekardangan village, and Kenongo village. The patterns  and the motifs from Sidoarjo Batik are captivating on the market. Usually, it sell in retail or grocery, to enable to get the products easily.  This district is bordered by the city of Surabaya and Gresik regency to  the north, the Strait of Madura in the east, south of Pasuruan and  Mojokerto district in the west. Sidoarjo is known as a buffer main city of Surabaya, 

Sidoarjo located in the lowlands. Sidoarjo known as the City of Delta,  because it is located between two large pieces of Brantas River, which is  Mas River and Porong River. Sidoarjo city located in the south of  Surabaya and geographically seems united. Sidoarjo is divided into 18 districts, divided again over a number of  villages and wards. Some of large cities in Sidoarjo including Taman, Krian, Temple, Porong and Waru. The industrial sector in Sidoarjo developed rapidly because of the location is near to the Surabaya business central, near to Tanjung Perak  Seaport and Juanda Airport, it is also have productive human resources.  Moreover the socio-political and security conditions are relatively stable  to attract investors to invest in Sidoarjo, and the mall industrial sector is  also growing quite well.


There are several kinds of tourist attractions in Sidoarjo, starting of natural  beauty (nature), historical value  (culturaltourism), as well as shopping and  culinary.

  1. First is Ketingan beach, is located in the village of Sawoan, Buduran  subdistrict, Sidoarjo. Ketingan beach is one beach that has a natural beauty and very attractive it best places to spend weekend or holiday. 
  2. Next is Petik Laut Sidoarjo located in the village of Banjar Kemuning, Sedati subdistrict. This Ecotourism has a natural beauty that can refresh the eyes and minds. 
  3. Then, tourist spot that has a high historical value, namely Temple Pari, Dermo Temple, Tomb Putri Ayu Sekar Dadu, Swi Bio Teng, pagoda Tjong Hok Kiong, Prasasti Airlangga.

By : Salwa Kamila (8.2)

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